I've been battling a resilient torn meniscus in my right knee and because I've favored my left leg for two months now, increasing pain there as well. Because of this and the need to be ready for a full season of competition, I made the decision last week to withdraw from the Mexican PGA Championship (scheduled for this week) and visit my Doctor. Yesterday I received cortisone injections in both knees and will see the Doctor for a follow-up later this week. If these treatments create more stability and less pain, I will be ready to start playing in full week competitions within two weeks. My tentative plan is to compete in an EGolf tour event in North Carolina at the end of the month before heading to Victoria, BC for the Canadian Tour.
I tried rushing back to competition in the past two weeks playing multiple 1 and 2 day events in south Florida. Despite two encouraging scores of 65 and 67 and making checks during those weeks, my knees left me unable to practice and compete at my full potential and led to the decision to focus on getting completely healthy. I am more optimistic this morning after yesterday's injections, that my knees won't continue to plague my progress. Pain makes you appreciate the simple luxury of a healthy body. That appreciation alone may save me one shot per side!