Thursday, August 21, 2008

24 hour flight, 25 years old

Back at it! This post comes to you from Narita Airport in Tokyo. I am preparing for the final leg of this 24 hour journey, during which time I turned 25 years old. My birthday realization is I am ready for success. I am leaving any hesitation and lack of trust behind with my 24 year old status and headed into the next two tournaments with a new found supreme confidence and ability to win. I arrive in Seoul, Korea tonight and will spend the next three days getting used to the 13 hour time difference before heading to Jeju Island for the Johnnie Walker Open. I am creating a video journal of my travels that will be posted on my website sometime following the conclusion of the first event. My new MasterCard commercial goes as follows:

1 New Blog Post: Interesting

1 Picture: Worth a Thousand Words

1 Moving Film: Priceless

Keeping you updated....again,

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